
Elinks enable javascript
Elinks enable javascript

elinks enable javascript

You can contribute to the well being of the internet by taking steps to prevent spammers fromĪcquiring any email addresses in your web documents. This also created an opportunity to contribute to the well being of the internet community by helping to reduce internet traffic (bandwidth) The second objective was to ensure that the script was simple and easy to implement without having to understand HTML code. The purpose behind this script first and for most is to prevent spambots from acquiring email addresses contained in a webpage. Legitimate email addresses and start sending them spam. Html anchor tags that contain the "mailto:" link the spambot will extract (harvest) the address and add it to their database of The spambots collect email addresses by visiting websites and searching the text in your documents.

elinks enable javascript

However, most spammers (aka: a low life lower than a snakes belly) use Spambots to build a database of legitimate email addresses. Once a spammer (aka: low life) becomes aware of your domain name they may start sending spam to commonly used user-names such as. While some will say that the only way to prevent spam is to not give your email address to anyone. Since an e-mail address have a distinctive format, spambots are easy to write and implement. Group (SIG) postings, and chat-room conversations. Spambots are web crawlers that can gather e-mail addresses from Web sites, newsgroups, special-interest Spambots are used to collect e-mail addresses on the Internet to build mailing lists for sending unsolicited e-mail (aka: spam).

Elinks enable javascript